Digital dermatitis (hairy heel wart) is an ongoing battle for many dairy producers. In this recent article in Dairy Herd Management, Dr. Gabe Middleton outlines how producers can identify the stages of digital dermatitis, and different ways of treating an outbreak. Common treatments for digital dermatitis are topical salves and footbaths. HealMax Spray from AgroChem is a spot-on application that can […]
Digital dermatitis, or hairy heel wart, is a widespread and prevalent disease among beef and dairy cattle which can have long term and severe impacts on herd health and productivity. This is a condition that dairy farmers cannot ignore and hope that it goes away. In an October 2015 articleby Maggie Seiler, Special Publications Editor for […]
Heifers shouldn’t be overlooked when it comes to hoof care treatment. An article from Jane Fyksen helps drive home the message that heifers are at as much risk as milking cows for digital dermatitis (hairy heel wart). In a May interview, hoof health consultant Karl Burgi said that timed trimming in heifers, prior to calving, can go a […]
Lameness can cost a dairy farmer up to $6,000 per 100 cows per year. For an individual cow, it may cost as much as $350 in lost milk, more days open, treatment and labor. In order to better understand the correlation between certain behaviors and lameness, researchers at the University of Guelph examined the activity and production of […]
As the summer heat wave rolls in, some producers may be thinking about installing a footbath to better manage hoof health. If you’re ready to take the plunge, here are some general guidelines for installing and maintaining a footbath on your dairy farm: Footbath Placement: Many veterinarians suggest putting the footbath in a well-lit, ventilated […]
“Should we run a treatment protocol? Or a maintenance protocol?” That’s a question hoof trimmers hear a lot. To answer it, we first need determine exactly which hoof issues are present. Are we dealing with claw horn lesions? Infections? Hairy heel wart? Second, we determine the prevalence of hoof problems in the entire herd. If the […]